Europe, and Africa. The behavior is rare and difficult to observe, which is why long-distance bat migration has remained an enigma. Now, scientists from the Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior ...
A bat no bigger than your hand travels hundreds ... The mouse-size common noctule is found in Europe, North Africa and Asia. Males remain close to their winter roosts, but females, which weigh ...
They study a species called the noctule bat that migrates across Central Europe, traveling northeast from around Switzerland towards Poland in the spring. To track their migration, they designed ...
The migration routes were more diverse than previously thought, with bats moving throughout the landscape without a single migratory corridor. A behavior pattern observed was that, at certain ...
But this European species makes its marathon journey a little... Bats catch a lift from storm winds on long-distance migrations Historically, bat migration has been a bit of a black box.
Researchers have confirmed the migration of endangered Mexican long-nosed bats through southeastern Arizona using ...
Scientists have long suspected that Mexican long-nosed bats migrate through southeastern ... The samples of saliva left along potential migration routes were sent to a lab at Northern Arizona ...