Politicians’ lack of concern stems from the fact that taxpayers, families, and businesses will bear the brunt of the next ...
Passed in the immediate aftermath of the American Civil War, the Fourteenth Amendment was intended to further centralize ...
Since the end of the 19th Century, much of US history has been marred by meddling in the affairs of other nations. From ...
Antitrust law is being touted as an answer to our inflationary economy. Unfortunately, as Austrians have noted, antitrust law ...
The debate over use of nuclear weapon is built upon the assumption that they‘ve only been used twice, both against Japan.
In November, year-over-year growth in the money supply was at 2.35 percent. That’s a 27-month high and the largest ...
Rose Wilder Lane, known for her many writings, also has been a favorite of libertarians. In this week‘s Friday Philosophy, ...
With governments cracking down on free speech and even criminalizing alleged defamation, it is time to take a new look at ...
American higher education, which is supposed to be about learning truth, has become a bastion of untruth. As higher education ...
We may be in the New Year, but James Bovard is not ready to put the craziness of 2024 in his rearview mirror. Here are some ...
After the Capitol riots of January 6, 2021, it seemed that everyone learned a word they had never used before—“insurrection.” ...
The real reason we pay taxes: to keep the ruling parasite class living in relative opulence while private sector workers toil ...