The report explores how advanced remote sensing, AI, and cloud-based data systems can revolutionize the measurement, ...
Three heritage groups are expressing their concern over continued deforestation and development of Lemay Forest, and they are ...
Explore the alarming rates of deforestation in Australia and its impact on biodiversity and climate change. Support conservation projects in ...
There is a “mismatch” between the importance of peatlands and their current level of protection, a new study warns.
Carbon methodologies designed to credit for high forest, low deforestation (HFLD) should not be seen as additional and risk undermining carbon market integrity initiatives, according to climate ...
Considering the level of paramilitary presence in rural Colombia over the past 50 years, it's an incredible achievement.
The forest in Dindoshi Hills are being targetted by builders who want to denude and excavate the hills and build there.
After a tip about unsustainable logging at a Malaysian state-run oil palm plantation, former Rainforest Investigations Network (RIN) Fellow Low Choon Chyuan launched a yearlong investigation, ...
Wildlife photographer Ingo Arndt discovered his first enormous ant mound as a child exploring the forest with his father near their home in Germany almost 50 years ago. They were bird-watching ...
As darkness slowly gave way to dawn one Saturday in January 2024, a truck’s engine rumbled into life, upending the stillness ...
Deforestation has long been a challenge for Brazil – where decades of over-farming and logging operations have taken a toll and seriously threatened the Amazon rainforest and the indigenous ...
Green is the colour of life, of rebirth, of hope. But in today’s world, green is also the colour of deception, manipulation, and the grand illusion of sustainability. From corporate boardrooms to ...