From classic and heartfelt to joyous and funny, we have the best list of 120 'Happy Holidays' wishes and messages for you to read and share with those you love! Related: 50 Cheery, Heartfelt Ways ...
EXCLUSIVE: Film Movement have acquired North American rights for Oscar-nominated Palestinian director Scandar Copti’s timely ...
Get inspired with these unique and fun variations on how to say happy holidays. If you're giving a holiday toast or speech or want to write a longer message in a card or note, these examples can ...
Yes, we should prefer “Merry Christmas” to “Happy Holidays” because it is more expressive of the truth we are celebrating. But “Merry Christmas” will only regain its meaning if we live ...
Winter holidays are a stark reminder of that grief ... In Closing If you are missing someone this season and longing to say "Happy Festivus" or whatever it is that you would say, know you are ...
Developer Rare in a Happy Holidays message to the fans teased the game with a new image (viewable below). "Happy holidays, whoever's seeing this! Hope you're closing the year out in style and ...
I disagree with Jeff Jacoby’s Dec. 24 Opinion column, “Merry Christmas! Happy holidays! (Both are fine.)” I am Jewish and have preferred being wished “Happy holidays” for decades ...