Items from Nanhai No 1, which sank during the Southern Song dynasty and was found in 1987, tell us about life in the past.
from the Middle Triassic period in southwestern China. Named Dianmeisaurus mutaensis, this ancient creature lived approximately 245 million years ago during the Anisian age. Pachypleurosaurs were ...
The discovery is the earliest found so far in southern China, dating a whopping ... said to be the base point for the Maritime Silk Road. It was clear this ancient city was incredibly old by ...
If competition ever turns into conflict, China could use its maritime dominance to choke the American economy and scale up its fleets at an extraordinary pace. For its part, the Pentagon lacks the ...
The National Maritime Council (NMC) said the illegal presence and operations of China Coast Guard vessels CCG 5901 and CCG 3304 were detected on Jan. 5 and 10, respectively, in and around the ...