The first novel under the imprint, "Honeysuckle and Bone" by Trisha Tobias, tells the story of Carina, an 18-year-old who travels to Jamaica to nanny for a wealthy family, only to uncover dark ...
Chef, entrepreneur and bestselling author Ayesha Curry expands her empire into publishing with "Sweet July Books," an imprint dedicated to diverse voices. The first novel, "Honeysuckle and Bone" by ...
Curry tells PEOPLE that ‘Honeysuckle and Bone,’ which arrives next year, is "compelling" with a "dose of horror" Carly Tagen-Dye is the Books editorial assistant at PEOPLE, where she writes ...
uplifting diverse voices and why she selected her imprint's first novel "Honeysuckle and Bone" by Trisha Tobias.
The first novel, "Honeysuckle and Bone" by Trisha Tobias, follows a young woman discovering dark secrets in Jamaica. They join "CBS Mornings." ...
The first novel under the imprint, "Honeysuckle and Bone" by Trisha Tobias, tells the story of Carina, an 18-year-old who travels to Jamaica to nanny for a wealthy family, only to uncover dark ...