Representatives of campaigns for and against Amendment 2 debated the 'school choice' measure at a forum hosted by The Courier ...
Two weeks before the November 5th General Election, one major topic stands before the people of Commonwealth. And who will be ...
I thought Matt Robbins, in this previously mentioned debate, did an excellent job of outlining the basic problems with ...
Constitutional Amendment 2 will ask voters if they want to change the Kentucky Constitution in a way that would allow for ...
After spending 20 years in school district administration in two of Kentucky’s largest school districts, Fayette and Daviess ...
Amendment One on the Kentucky ballot deals with voting rights, whereas Amendment Two deals with school choice and funding.
When voters head to the polls in Kentucky for the general election, they will have the choice “yes” or “no” on Amendment 2. A “yes” ...
Voters in Kentucky won’t just be weighing in on the candidate they prefer this election day. They will also be voting on Amendment 2.
Lt. Governor Jacqueline Coleman believes Amendment 2 will be defeated on election night. "I believe we will defeat Amendment ...
I have to take issue with Mr. Kline’s Letter to the Editor. He attempted to demonstrate that the intent of Amendment 2 is to ...
The state’s highest-elected teacher was back in her old stomping grounds on Tuesday to campaign against Kentucky’s hotly ...
After the courts struck down a couple legislative attempts at “school choice” measures, some lawmakers are asking Kentucky ...