The International Criminal Court (ICC) Prosecutor Karim Khan has filed applications for arrest warrants against two senior Taliban officials, Supreme Leader Haibatullah Akhundzada and Supreme Court ...
The World Food Programme (WFP) has warned that cuts to international aid and an impending freeze in U.S. foreign funding are leaving millions of Afghans facing hunger this winter as per Reuters.
A step was taken in enhancing cooperation between Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan, as two important documents were signed by the foreign ministers of both countries on January 27. Photo: Foreign ministers ...
The government held a press conference to discuss the implementation of the National Project for the Modernization of the Energy and Utilities Sectors. The event was attended by high-ranking officials ...
Uzbekistan and Afghanistan have renewed their agreement on the use of the Hairaton-Mazar-i-Sharif (also spelled Hairaton-Mazar-e-Sharif) railway, further solidifying ...
Kazakh airlines reached a new milestone in 2024, carrying a record 14.7mn passengers, according to the National Statistics Bureau. This marks a 10.6% increase compared to 2023, when passenger numbers ...
The U.S. and Colombia have reached an agreement to resolve a looming trade dispute, with Colombia agreeing to accept deported migrants on military flights. This development comes after a tense ...
Netanyaxu kanselyariyasi avvalroq Isroil Livandagi aholi punktlari va fuqarolarini xavf ostiga qo‘ymasligini aytgan edi ...
Hujumlarda Rossiya havo hujumidan mudofaa vositalari bilan tutib olish qiyin bo‘lgan Iskander tipidagi ballistik raketalardan ...
Shuningdek, Piskent va Narpay tumanlarida elektr energiyasidan noqonuniy foydalanish bilan bog‘liq holatlar aniqlangan ...
“Yo‘l-transport hodisasi Pxuketdagi Karon-Patong dovonida sodir bo‘lgan. Bir guruh sayyohlarni olib ketayotgan avtobus ...
Filadelfiyada tez tibbiy yordam samolyoti halokatga uchradi. Samolyot bortida bo‘lgan olti kishining barchasi halok bo‘lgan, ...