Imagine the transformative impact on civilian lives if these three calls were heeded on the battlefield.
Sarah has slowly rebuilt her life over the past few years. She has gotten married and is expecting the birth of her first ...
The following speech was delivered by ICRC President Mirjana Spoljaric at the international conference on Lebanon in Paris on ...
Le discours suivant a été prononcé par Mirjana Spoljaric, présidente du CICR, lors de la conférence internationale sur le ...
16-10-2024 贝鲁特(红十字国际委员会) ——红十字国际委员会向贝鲁特南部的一家医院派出了一支具有丰富战伤经验的专业外科医疗队,以提供挽救生命的服务并帮助疲惫不堪的医务人员缓解 ...