Rick Smith and Karl Hyde present a satisfying ebb and flow across a variety of musical styles, with euphoric chord shifts and ...
On this beautifully intimate record all about parenthood, recorded with her new born baby by her side, you can hear the ...
Musical values are paramount in the Deutsche Oper’s revival of Beethoven’s only opera, but dramatically it’s a different ...
Modern resurrections of ancient genres are often plagued with issues, but Wesley Eisold is sincere enough for the album to ...
A curious hybrid of deluxe album and EP, the Queen of Pop’s latest complements its predecessor nicely without ever quite ...
Stephanie Childress conducts an all British programme of Vaughan Williams, Britten and Elgar which delights Berliners.
Here's everything published by this contributor on musicOMH.
The sometime Wild Beasts singer delves into his fascinating new album about the mysterious shingle spit of Orford Ness, ...
Here's everything we have published about this artist.