Jessica Breighner, right, with her husband, Jason Huff. Breighner was one of the nurses taken hostage at UPMC Memorial on Feb ...
Huff said the shooter, Diogenes Archangel-Ortiz, forced his wife to zip tie her coworkers and was dragged by her hair by ...
A man who took staff members hostage in the ICU at UPMC Memorial Hospital in York County last weekend, killing a police ...
Pennsylvania State Police continue to investigate the shooting with hostages at UPMC Memorial Hospital, a spokesman said.
Family, friends and fellow police officers will say their final goodbyes to the West York police officer shot at killed while ...
The gunman who opened fire inside Pennsylvania’s UPMC Memorial Hospital faced the death of a loved one who’d been in the ICU ...
Diogenes Archangel-Ortiz on Saturday killed a police officer during a hostage situation at UPMC Memorial Hospital in York ...
Some UPMC intensive care unit nurses were among the people lining the funeral procession for Officer Andrew Duarte. Duarte ...