Health experts have warned people to be vigilant of the early signs of dementia, which include inconspicuous issues like ...
Have you ever noticed subtle changes in a loved one's personality or behavior and wondered if it's more than just aging?
Researchers in Scotland are developing a digital tool powered by artificial intelligence that can gauge your risk of ...
Dr Joe, who is known as @drjoe_md on TikTok, has taken to social media to urge people to seek a diagnosis if they're worried ...
“ Dementia is an umbrella term that describes a set of symptoms affecting your brain, causing problems with memory, thinking, ...
While memory loss and disorientation are common symptoms of dementia, one shouldn't ignore the hand symptom showing up at a ...
An emergency room doctor has shared the 10 early warning signs you or a loved one might have developed Alzheimer's disease - as he urges people to visit their doctors ...
Spotting the warning signs of dementia is crucial as expert says "you’d never guess that this could be an early sign" ...
But how common is dementia, and what early warning signs should we look out for? “Dementia is an umbrella term that describes a set of symptoms affecting your brain, causing problems with memory ...
The UK’s Alzheimer’s society has said: “There is currently no cure for dementia, but recognising the early signs and symptoms is still very important. With clinical trials now showing ...