Baik itu di media sosial, brosur, website atau iklan. Ingatlah untuk selalu menyesuaikan pesan Anda dengan target audiens dan nilai-nilai perusahaan Anda. Dengan strategi promosi yang tepat, Anda ...
If you've never played the myth-based action game before, now's your chance, because Sony brought the game to PlayStation Plus Extra and Premium subscribers. Here are the games subscribers can ...
This is an up-to-date listing of the entire PlayStation Plus Classics Catalog. You can browse, sort, and tag the titles and use them to build your own playlists. Sort by "Recently Added" to see ...
Browse, sort, and search the full list of PS Plus PS4 and PS5 catalog games, available to Extra and Premium members. Track your backlog, mark games complete, and better organize your play.
It sounds like we’re going to learn more about a next-generation PlayStation sooner rather than later now that we have the PS5 Pro in our hands. In early 2024, Sony Senior Vice President Naomi ...
The time has finally come: PlayStation Portal stock levels have leveled out in both the US and UK at all major retailers. We've been tracking the stock levels of the Portal particularly closely ...
PlayStation 30th Anniversary Collection restocks are back! We've only seen flashes of stock of some of the products since back in October, when we last had a full round of pre-orders, but at 1PM ...
Siri Samsung Galaxy S25 kini telah rasmi dilancarkan dan tempahan awalnya juga telah dibuka di Malaysia. Sebagai promosi tempahan awal, Samsung juga menawarkan promosi bernilai sehingga RM1,600, yang ...
Tampilan iklan yang mengganggu pada perangkat ponsel sering kali muncul akibat sejumlah alasan. Salah satunya adalah pemakaian aplikasi tanpa biaya yang biasanya mendapatkan pendanaan melalui iklan, ...
Membuat iklan memang bukanlah hal yang mudah, apalagi jika kita harus mengemasnya dalam bahasa asing. Nah, daripada bingung sendiri, yuk simak contoh iklan bahasa Inggris dan artinya berikut ini ...
Rumor mill: Sony is collaborating with AMD once again to develop the next generation of PlayStation consoles, and progress appears to be going smoothly. According to a new leak, the chip design ...
I just don’t see it. In terms of just how the PS6 could potentially enhance or update previous generation PlayStation games however, that’ll be a markedly different story. The ‘Ultra Boost ...