Brits who owned a PlayStation console between 2016 and 2022 could be in for a pay-out of up to £562 amid a £5 billion lawsuit against Sony.
Sony has finally announced a date and time for its next State of Play though it’s keeping coy on what sort of PlayStation 5 ...
Sony has announced a PlayStation State of Play stream will take place tomorrow, February 12, at 2pm Pacific / 5pm Eastern / ...
Sony announced on Sunday that all PlayStation Plus subscribers will receive an automatic five-day extension to their service ...
PSN is finally back around 24 hours after it first went down. Here's what happened, and any further updates as we get them.
The outage, which began late Friday, left users unable to sign in, play online games or access its online store. By Saturday ...
The PlayStation Network is suffering what appears to be a massive outage heading into the weekend. PlayStation 5 and PS4 ...
PSN appears to slowly be returning for players around the world, but Sony remains unhelpfully silent on the cause, fuelling ...
When online servers go down, most players expect not to be able to play multiplayer games or games that require persistent ...
For some users, PlayStation Network has been down for over 10 hours, and, understandably, they're not happy about it.
PS Direct is offering a special limited-time discount to PS Plus members between now and February 19. Here's what's on offer.
In the countries that would benefit the most from Sony dropping the PlayStation Account linking requirement, we still cannot ...