Learn about the explosions that often occur at the end of a white dwarf star's life, allowing scientists to study the ...
A unique dataset of Type Ia Supernovae being released today could change how cosmologists measure the expansion history of the Universe.
A unique dataset of Type Ia supernovae being released today could change how cosmologists measure the expansion history of ...
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Each star is a SN exploding with the size indicating how bright it appears and the colour indicating the colour of the supernova, they go from blue (hotter) to yellow (cooler) as they grow older and ...
A stunning new discovery reveals that white dwarf stars — once thought to explode in predictable ways — actually detonate through an astonishing variety of mechanisms. From star cannibalism to violent ...
The Chase Australia’s official Shark, Brydon Coverdale, has created a new daily quiz challenge. How’s your general knowledge?
"These two supernova remnants are helping us to better understand the dynamics of our home galaxy’s neighborhood," ...
What’s more, Webb used its Near Infrared Camera (NIRCam) instrument to observe glowing interstellar gas and dust illuminated ...
One of the youngest supernova remnants in our galaxy, Cassiopeia A glows with the energy of a star’s final breath.
"Most of the external layers of a massive star are removed during the supernova, but some material falls back, making the neutron star spin faster." ...
The collapse of a cloud core can be triggered by many factors. One theory is that our Sun's formation was initiated by a nearby supernova explosion. During this collapse, the central gas and dust ...