Pirate captains and their crews were violent, even ruthless. Part of this was a necessity. But some captains went beyond the normal, creating an art out of atrocity. Captain Blackbeard and Charles ...
One Piece fans have been frustrated for a long time about Blackbeard's fights being off-screen but Eiichiro Oda has a valid ...
Blackbeard's unique ability to possess two Devil Fruits in One Piece makes him one of the strongest characters in the series.
Kuzan has been the villain of One Piece for some time. Does he need to be a deeper motivation for being a villain?
Not wanting to be part of a loud college crowd during the spring break vacation, many families opt for destinations such as ...
Mare—a spot that, geographically, isn’t all that far from Bristol, which is of course the famous departure point that the infamous Edward Teach (Blackbeard, for the uncultured privateers) first ...
One Piece is famous for the plethora of mysteries running its plot, and there are a few that have to be solved before its ...
According to a One Piece theory Kuzan might betray Blackbeard and crew to join the Straw Hat Pirates in the final saga which ...
Are you ready to dive into the mysterious world of Fortnite's most enigmatic character? Buckle up, gamers, because we're about to unravel the secrets of the ...
Are you ready for a mind-blowing revelation that'll shake the very foundations of the One Piece universe? Brace yourselves, ...