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El PNUD es fundamental para el Grupo de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo (GNUD), una red que abarca 165 países y une los 32 fondos, programas, organismos especializados y otros organismos de las ...
UNDPでは国連事務次長補 兼 危機局長を務める野田章子はじめ80名以上の日本人職員が活躍しています。JPO(ジュニア・プロフェッショナル・オフィサー)を含む日本人の若手職員は増える傾向 ...
Hi I’m Achim Steiner. Welcome to this site, intended for everyone who is interested in the future of development. The 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals provide us with a north star to ...
Parmi les recommandations de ces assises, il y a le renforcement de la mobilisation des ressources financières, notamment mener des démarches collectives dans ce sens ; l’intégration des quelques ...
Working together, governments, the private sector and regional bodies can solve the infrastructure problems hobbing the growth of the mining sector in Africa. Southern Africa’s critical minerals have ...
Ashgabat, January 25, 2025 – From January 20 to 24, 2025, as part of the joint project "Support to Strengthening Institutional and Regulatory Environment for Financial Markets Development," between ...
Cada 24 de enero, se conmemora en todo el mundo el Día Internacional de la Educación, tras proclamarse esta fecha Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas para conmemorar el papel que la educación ...
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In the heart of Konjic, a city known for its rich tradition of wood carving, is ZANAT - a private company that is an example of sustainability, energy efficiency and innovation. ZANAT, the ...
The aftermath of the 1998-99 conflict in Kosovo* is distinct for each victim, survivor and witness. The intergenerational transmission of trauma frames collective pain and healing. “What else can we ...
Permettez-moi de commencer par vous souhaiter la bienvenue à cette cérémonie qui marque une étape importante dans nos efforts communs pour promouvoir le dialogue et la paix en milieu universitaire.