Flag of Argentina - Flagpedia.net
The flag of Argentine is strikingly similar to the flag of Uruguay, especially by its blue-and-white design and yellow symbol of sun, which represents the Inca god of sun called Inti. The white stripe is surrounded by two pale blue stripes and a symbol of the sun is located in its middle.
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Argentina Emoji - Flagpedia.net
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Bitmap images of flag of Argentina available to free download. completely free for commercial and non-commercial use (public domain) based on vector file from Wikimedia Commons
Country flags of the world (list of all 254) | Flagpedia.net
Up-to-date list of all 254 country flags of the world with images, names and main information about countries.
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Icon images of flag of Argentina available to free download or for embed via our free CDN.
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Vector images of flag of Argentina available to free download. completely free for commercial and non-commercial use (public domain) based on vector file from Wikimedia Commons
National flags of the world by continent | Flagpedia.net
Flags of all countries of the world with images and names separated by continent.
Flag of Uruguay - Flagpedia.net
Prior to Brazilian domination, Uruguay was also ruled by Spanish and Portuguese, and it was called "Banda Oriental" (East Coast). The Sun of May should remind gaining the independence, which took place in May. The design of the flag is probably influenced by the style of American and Argentine flag.
Flags of South American countries - Flagpedia.net
List of all South American countries with flag images, names and main information.